Discover the Secret to Making 2023 Your Best Year Yet

David Owasi
5 min readJan 13, 2023

Pro-tip - Ditch your new year resolution

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, you’re setting up your resolutions for the year all wrong (don’t feel bad; I used to do the same). Maybe this sounds familiar:

“This year, I’m going to exercise more, eat healthier, save more, etc. “

That’s all well and good for a couple of weeks, but we all know how those New Year’s resolutions normally turn out: we try, then fail, then give up and sit in the unwelcome sting of disappointment.

But setting goals at the start of a new year is a time-honoured tradition. . . right?

Tradition, sh-madition (. . . that sounded a little better in my head, but you get the idea).

Here’s the secret to having a year that lights you up all 365 days — throw away your new year's resolutions or goals; set a vision instead.

What? how? . . . why?

Let me explain. It’s a vision — not a goal — that drives true transformation.

When you set a vision, you’re focused on “who do I want to become?” or “what do I want to embody?” Now, goals actually do have their place, but visions have to come first if you really want to make a change.

